Review: Ordinarily Extraordinary by Patrick P. Long
At some point or another, most of us have experienced an incredibly difficult time in our lives. Whether you have lost a loved one, struggled for independence, or have even suffered a trauma, we have all gone through tough periods. I have tried to be very open about my own traumas because I truly believe that discussing them can be healing for both myself and for anyone who may hear or read about it. Another person who has done that is Patrick P. Long. In his heartfelt book, Ordinarily Extraordinary, Patrick takes us through a heartbreaking journey that is somehow filled with hope, light, and love.
Ordinarily Extraordinary: Love and Anger, Life and Death, Hope and Inspiration takes us through the series of events leading up to the loss of Patrick’s wife, Melanie. Melanie and Patrick have four children. After some early medical issues, Melanie is diagnosed with breast cancer. While the book begins with one particular medical incident, Patrick takes us through Melanie’s journey and battle for her own health and life. While telling stories of Melanie’s life and marriage, Patrick teaches us countless lessons that he learned for himself. This book was about love, hope, death, grief, and inspiration.
I was nervous to read this book about a mother’s medical issues after losing my own mother three years ago. Though her death was sudden and I didn’t experience the medical journey that Melanie’s family did, I related to so much of their story. Hearing about trips to the hospital, I felt the same fear that I experienced. Even through all the fear and trauma in their family’s story, Patrick’s gratitude for Melanie shown through. He took an experience that would have absolutely broken most people and saw the small pieces of beauty in it. He spoke so lovingly, yet realistically of his wife. I too felt I like I knew Melanie well after reading this. Ordinarily Extraordinary is an absolutely extraordinary tribute to Melanie and the life that she lived. We all have so many lessons to learn from her.