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The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale, Season 5, Episode 6: Together – Review (Contains Spoilers!)

Today’s episode was written by Katherine Collins and was directed by Eva Vives SPOILERS AHEAD! Episode 506 – Together “June and Luke’s mission puts them in serious jeopardy. Serena senses a threat from her benefactors. Lawrence and Nick make a shocking power move.” (Together, Season 5, Episode 6) June and …

The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale, Season 5, Episode 1: Morning & Episode 2: Ballet – Reviews (Contains Spoilers!)

In typical The Handmaid’s Tale fashion, the Emmy Award-winning series comes roaring back with two explosive brand-new episodes (both directed by Elisabeth Moss) dropping today on Hulu to kickoff season five. In the season four finale (Season 4, Episode 10, Wilderness), viewers were left celebrating Fred’s murder in the woods, …
