Review: Ten Days Gone by Beverly Long
Growing up, there was a lot of Law and Order playing on TV in our house. My mom loved that show, so I naturally watched a lot of it with her. But as a reader, I’ve actually never read a police procedural novel until now! Thank you to Mira Books for sending a copy of Ten Days Gone by Beverly Long for me to review! This is the first novel in the A.L. McKittridge series.
Ten Days Gone takes place in Baywood, Wisconsin and follows detectives A.L. McKittridge and Rena Morgan as they attempt to solve a mysterious murder in their otherwise quiet town. Not only was a woman murdered, but were two other women: one ten days before and the other ten days before that. A.L. and Rena know that they have only ten days to find and stop the killer before he takes the life of another victim. But what is the connection between these three women? Why these women and why ten days apart? The bodies were left in such an odd way that they know there is something mysterious going on. A.L. and Rena navigate their own family issues in their personal lives as they try to stop this murderer from claiming the life of another innocent woman in Baywood.
Overall, I really enjoyed this novel! There were times when I felt like it was a bit slow and even boring at times, so it took me a while to really get into it. But then certain details in the case would come up and I’d get invested again. The ending was not entirely predictable for me so I enjoyed it. I’ll definitely be reading the next novel in the A.L. McKittridge series when it comes out. I’m really interested to see more of the lives of A.L. and his partner Rena. Each of their stories took interesting turns that I’m now intrigued by.
I recommend this for any fans of police procedural novels, or for any lovers of Law and Order or CSI. This read like an episode of Law and Order for me and I really enjoyed that aspect of it. I think it was a good introduction into this genre for me. Once I got through some of the slower parts, it was a pretty fast read, which I love. Ten Days Gone is available now! Check out the link below to order your own copy!
Order Ten Days Now below!
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